I HEART paper...obviously! :) AND there are so many great HOLIDAY tutorials online. Paper balls...wreaths..ornaments..lollies...and more... I'd like to share a few project tutorials I discovered and ideas of how you could make them with your own twist. Anytime you see a project or tutorial try to figure out ways you can add your personal touch...changing the colors, materials or using handpainted paper..the possibilities are endless!
the video above is from my Holiday Paper Projects episode on Craft Lab, it originally aired on DIY for the past couple holiday seasons and just recently re-aired on HGTV this month. In case you missed it..I demonstrate how to create a simple origami ornament made with hand painted paper.
...and onto MORE FABULOUS holiday paper decor projects
Oh how I HEART Rhonna Farrrer and her FABULOUS creations. check out these LOVELY LOLLIES & wreaths! YummmY! --->make small size lollies and wreaths for gift decorations, ornaments or garland.
Look at these wonderful ornament balls!! The video tutorial can by found www.carlosNmolina.com. Go to "Tutorials & Videos" and then select the paper ball button.--->try making the paper balls with my FREE digital collage kit, print color copies of your journal pages or make fusion dyed collage pieces to cut into strips.
I love this photograph and the project, it's a great way to recycle book pages. Visit Kellie's blog to see the festive holiday wreath she creates from these paper curly q's.--->think about other paper you could use to make wreaths, collect found/free paper to recycle, add glitter to some of the pieces or paint the book pages.
This is a fun and great way to show off beautiful paper and photos. You can find project instructions on InspireMe Crafts. You could also make this out of handpainted paper. If you made smaller sized cones, you could make tree ornaments. Also, you could print photos and art backgrounds on paper and use those instead of scrapbook paper...just a few more creative IDEAS...
I found these projects through various google searches, flickr and twitter. NOTE: all these were posted with permission of their AWESOME designer. happy HANDMADE holiday!