{a PEEK inside my sketchbook/notebook/IDEA book}
ideas..ideas..ideas...I LOVE to sketch out my project, workshop and blog ideas. this image is for a project I was commissioned to create for an iLoveTo Create holiday demo. For this sketch, I used copic multi-liner pens & sketch markers and sakura sansei pigma black pens. I draw using fast gestural movements. Along the side of my sketches are lists of ideas {I write whatever comes to mind} while I'm drawing. I may not use all the ideas but I list everything, this is a starting point as I create the final piece.
a few exercises to get you drawing... take out your art journal or sketchbook, gather a few FAVE pens and mark making tools. now imagine your holiday decorations, your favorite holiday memory or holiday display...what colors do you see? what materials do you want to use? what ideas come to mind? Spend a few minutes writing down answers to these questions. make a list of words, scribble and doodle your ideas. take a look at interior design/home magazines for inspiration. take a stroll through your favorite store and take photos. think about creative ways to make holiday decorations this year. do you collect anything special, can you incorporate that into your tree or decor?
there are a few ways to build up your sketch. scribble color onto paper with crayons & markers, then draw your images. or sketch with a black ben then fill in with color. cut out shapes and images from color swatches/magazine pages and collage them onto you piece. remember these sketches are to help you work through ideas. don't feel like they need to have a completed look. these are SKETCHES..enjoy the process of design ideas and use this exercise anytime you want to brainstorm a project. happy sketching!! xoxo~treiC