every January I write my yearly business & personal goals, usually in a varitey of formats. I begin by journaling a page of ideas and thoughts. then create more detailed plans with lists, mindmaps, project plans which includes ideas and financial projections in excel spreadsheets. YES...I said Excel, it's the Silicon Valley training in me.
business goals are just as important as personal goals to me.
i LOVE to make lists...it helps me to write things on paper and highlight them as they are completed. these lists are a reminder of what I need to do and how I will accomplish my dreams. throughout the year I reevaluate and update them. my creative brain works overtime constantly thinking up the next mixed media project, marketing idea, product or event. so I have an idea list that I brainstorm constantly. I write down everything and anything that comes to mind, no matter how far fetched the concept might be. because one day I will accomplish it.
i leave you with this task...take a day to jot down your 2011 personal mantras, goals, ideas and creatively play with them on paper.
inspire. that is my main goal with my art.
strive to be a visionary. a pioneer.
personal mantras. live a beautiful life. make a difference.
believe in love. trust. be open
inner peace. continue my yoga practice four times per week.
{more goals.} continue to build my business. redesign & update all my web properties, make more art!, write my next book. design a fabric line. develop product line extensions. create new digital products monthly. organize studio. share my art through teaching. travel. blog daily.
don't forget to peek inside my art journaling process if you missed it!
NEXT UP...I'll reveal this final journal page and describe my creative process. don't forget to post your artwork in the artJOURNALING daily flickr group!
you can accomplish anything you put your mind to..go for it in 2011!! xo~treiC