artJOURNALING daily...mixing photos & words. now that you have taken snapshots from prompt no. 3. play with the photos by altering them in photoshop, pixelmator, iPhoto, Pages, flickr or (picnik is a free service) add layers of text with your favorite font. i mix digital art journaling into my visual journals.
another alternative is to print the photos and paint watercolor/acrylic washes or tint the photos copic markers. journal over the photos writing thoughts, words, feelings using a white out correction pen or your favorite marker. add sparkle with metallic gel pens.
brainstorm a list of adjectives and phrases that descibe your photos.write about your experience. i LOVE to layer my writing and often it's not legible but there are hints of words and ideas.
collage the photos into your journal.
enjoy the process of reflecting on your day...xo~treiC