whether you are just starting out, thinking about taking the leap into being an independent artist, recently launched your creative business or are a seasoned artist with an established body of work...to run a successful business you have to sell and market yourself and your products. over the next few days I'm going to share with you a PEEK inside my discovering Y.O.U. e-course by asking questions and sharing a few ideas from my DREAM BIG business planning journal.
what are you doing to effectively market your art or creative business?

what do you LOVE? what is your PASSION?
It’s a simple question...have you REALLY asked yourself “What do I love?” Creating a business doing something you love will bring you ultimate happiness. Running a business where you are doing WHAT YOU LOVE everyday won’t feel like work. Sure, it’s hard work but you are doing it for YOU. You set your schedule, YOU are your own boss. Following your passions will bring you TRUE SUCCESS. Ultimately your art and your business should reflect you.

this is an important question...we all have BIG dreams, right? But what makes us successful at fulfilling these dreams is a combination of hard work, dedication, a lot of planning, creative marketing mixed with a little luck. I write down everything that I have ever dreamed of doing for my business and career...whatever ideas come to mind, not judging whether it's attainable. My lists are long and I continue to add to them. I don't worry because I know that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I work hard to make my dreams come true. 2011 marks my ten-year anniversary of launching treiC designs, my creative business and I can say I am LIVING my dreams!

what are your creative business GOALS?
At the beginning of every year I write a list of goals I want to accomplish and brainstorm ideas of how I will achieve my goals. This list is a constant reminder of what will make my business successful. To keep myself on track, I continually check off the completed tasks and re-evaluate the list at the end of every month. Throughout the year I update the list with new goals, some items I may not get to until later but that's okay it gives me something to strive for.

how do you brainstorm your business ideas?
For me my favorite ways to brainstorm are designing mind maps, inspiration boards/notebooks and writing business idea lists. sometimes I draw & paint, then write in my notebook, some business ideas are doodled on napkins or I create lists in my iPhone then email them to myself and print. I compile all the lists in my DREAM BIG journal, it's my business planning notebook.

how do you make your creative business stand out from the crowd?
there are several ways I make myself stand out from the next person by creatively packaging my marketing materials like my media kit {above} and handmade business cards {below} to the colors and fonts I choose for my websites and blogs. when a person visits my blog or comes across my art they can see my signature style. Finding and creating your style is an important part of building brand.

It's important to develop a unique & personalized marketing package along with an online presence. Throughout the years I have designed numerous business promotional materials using my art as the main focus. Sometimes creating hand painted and stitched cards, using similar graphics in promotional postcards, my websites/blog and product inserts.

what does your artist statement say about you?
my artist statement shares a lot about me not only in words telling a story of what I create and how I make art but visually it's presented as an artistic poem. An artist statement gives a summary of you and your art. it should be engaging to the reader to make them want to explore deeper. it should hook them into looking at your portfolio and wanting to know more.

time and time again I hear, "artists aren't business people." That's not true! my e-course is designed to help and guide you in building your brand and launching a successful business by creatively promoting your art, products or services.
in my next post I'll share more about...building an online presence, social media, guerrilla marketing and creative partnerships.

During my six week e-course you will learn numerous strategies to build your brand, create your DREAM BIG journal, design a marketing package, brainstorm goals and product ideas, learn about creating an online presence, developing partnerships, working with manufacturers, getting published, designing online workshops and more.
start planning and building your creative business today! JOIN in the new LIVE session for discovering Y.O.U. art marketing e-course which starts March 1!