today for artJOURNALING daily I'm taking a little departure from my coloful and brightly painted pages to give you a little PEEK inside my idea journals. these idea books are another form of my art journaling but I use them for project, trend and idea brainstorms. I love the simplicity of the black and white line with little bursts of color.
I write with a black permanent pen like Copic Multiliners or Sakura Sansei, jotting down whatever comes to mind without hesitation. I want to dump all my thoughts onto the pages without judging. I brainstorm business ideas & strategies, markets to research and to do lists.
I keep these pages very simple because most times I am working fast drawing thumbnails sketches, listing words in adjective banks and ideas for mixed media techniques I'd like to explore.
I incoporate doodles. there is no plan when I write and draw on these pages.
when I am thinking of a new design project, I work out my ideas with thumbnail sketches, something I learned to do in design school. these are minitures sketches intertwined with my notes.
I use a few different types of papers..usually white Strathmore Windpower journals, moleskine books with graph paper and sometimes I make my own idea journals using white cardstock.
I love making lists and reminders of ideas and techniques...many of my pages are full of long idea lists.
many of my one-of-a-kind fashion creations start within the pages of these idea books. I draw figures and take notes for design concepts, materials to collect and themes to research.
Get out those idea books and start listing ideas for your projects, marketing and design! get those ideas in your head down on paper. REMEMBER have fun with these pages...write whatever comes to mind, no matter how far fetched it may sound. These books will come in handy as references for your creative projects.
turn those ideas into reality...xo~treiC