{*all artwork photos by karen michel}
today I present my good friend and artJOURNALING daily guest artist..
*karen michel
Karen's amazing art journals and photography truly are INSPIRATIONAL. Last year, I spent a week visiting her & her adorable son Nico and touring around NYC, we had so much fun exploring, thrifting and making art.
karen's artJOURNALING daily prompt...
With our camera phones and pocket sized cameras we have all surely become photographers of the every day. But why keep all this wonderful evidence of our adventures cooped up & hidden in our computers? Print them out & add them to your art journal! Add some paint, scratch them up, stamp on top, collage bits and pieces of your day.... Adding your own imagery to your journals will infuse it with YOU & will inspire you to pull out that camera even more :)
ps- {from karen} while you are at it try some fun camera phone apps. I love FXCamera for my Droid & there is a great review of lots of camera apps for the iPhone here. have fun!!
pss {from me} I am LOVING karen's INSPIRATION MONDAYS over at the ice resin blog! check it.
thank you Karen for your great prompt and fun info...xo~treiC