musings and inspirations in art, fashion, craft, decor, creative business and creative living by artist Traci Bautista
be a beautiful life...
a sneek peek inside my moleskine calendar...sketches & ideas for my project for the iLoveTo Create Let's Create LIVE Designer Challenge. look at the fun goodie bag of iLTC products that I get to PLAY with...
JOIN me and a few other rockin' designers!! I'll be broadcasting LIVE from my new art studio on Thursday, April 28, from 9-11am PST {I'll be sharing my final art piece around 10:30am}. For more details on how to access the webcast visit here. iLoveTo Create will be giving away a bunch of great product prize bags!
i'm back!! from an AMAZING week sailing on the waters of the Mexican Riviera. We traveled on the Carnival Splendor for Kathy Cano-Murillo's Crafty Chica Art Cruise to Los Cabos and Puerto Vallarta. Since our trip to Mazatlan was cancelled we spent an extra day exploring Cabo...going to the fabric store and walking around the artsy town of San Jose. I was honored to be Kathy's special guest teacher. During my art journaling workshop, I shared painting, doodling and bookbinding techniques. I took over 350 photos and shot numerous video snippets. I'll be sharing more stories about my fabulous trip including the workshop, the crazy cruise ship decor, YUMMY food and our adventures exploring Mexico.
enjoy the PEEK into my working holiday...xo~treiC NEW DISCOVERING YOU part two art marketing e-course starts May 1! Register by 3/18 and SAVE $25.
PSS..the SPRING online workshop session for starts April 20...check out my doodling, painting, lettering, collage and art journaling online workshops.
21 key strategies to successfully execute your marketing roadmap
May 1- 31, 2011
This is the follow up e-course to my popular discovering Y.O.U. {art marketing e-course}. Part TWO of the e-course focuses on 21 strategies and techniques to execute your creative marketing roadmap.
if you're wondering where I've been...I've had a VERY busy week..packing & moving along with finishing art & photography for my new book AND writing my manuscript. I'm LOVING my new studio which is mostly still in boxes..slowly unpacking and settling in. just wanted to say a quick hello and mention, I'll be announcing my NEW DISCOVERING Y.O.U. part 2 e-course this week {which starts in May} and sharing more for artJOURNALING daily soon! thanks for visiting..
unless otherwise stated all content, images and texts are my own. please do not use anything without permission or without noting its origins on your blog or website. if you pin any images from this site please include the original source/photo credit. for more details please read the disclaimer.