I'm super excited to intoduce my NEW creative business program! Here it is...
DREAM BIG 2012 is a year-long program that includes resources to GROW your creative business and inspire you with ideas on how to make a living doing what you love and create a successful career based on your passions. The DREAM BIG digital guides and online community will feature content on a vast number of creative business topics. Also a NEW self-study DREAM BIG JOURNAL video workshop launches in December to prepare you for 2012 business planning.
The DREAM BIG digital guides published monthly are colorful PDF e-books with numerous pages of ideas, worksheets, stories, journal jumpstarts and case studies. The guides will feature articles on how to build your creative business focusing on marketing campaigns, budgeting, blogging, social media, market trends to industry research.
The DREAM BIG online community is designed to give creative entrepreneurs a place to share resources, ideas, ask questions and talk with like-minded people who share a passion for art, design and creative business. The online community is hosted privately on my creativityUNLEASHED collective webiste, as a PREMIUM member you will have access to private blog posts, an interactive supportive group, LIVE steaming web demos/chats, industry research and discussions.
Whether you are just launching your business, thinking about transitioning your career or a seasoned expert, DREAM BIG 2012 will offer a variety of valuable information to help you plan and take your business to the next level.

Coming in December, the DREAM BIG Journal video workshop, a brand new mixed media workshop. It will feature NEW in-depth video that will take you step-by-step creating a creative business planning journal notebook. This is a self-study video workshop that will include a digital workbook complete with printable DREAM BIG journal 2012 tabs, stickers, creative exercises and annual business review worksheets.
VISIT the DREAM BIG 2012 website for all the details, membership plans and REGISTER TODAY!
Join in the creative journey..and always DREAM BIG!
The FIRST FIVE people to register for DREAM BIG PREMIUM paid-in-full membership receive FREE access to DREAM BIG video workshop PLUS a DREAM BIG journal printed kit.
Also, I am giving away ONE DREAM BIG 2012 BASIC membership.
Leave a comment with an answer to this quesiton:
what creative business topic or question would you like to discuss?
COMMENTS CLOSED for giveaway but if you want to ask a business question go for it! Thanks to everyone who submitted a comment. I'll be announcing the winner Friday, October 21!
comments close Friday, October 14 at 10:00pm PT. Good luck!!! ~Traci