{take chances. let love in. be open graffiti canvas}
Today kicks off my Doodles Unleashed online book tour with my fun video interview on the Ice Queen blog. I stopped by the Ice Resin booth at CHA where Carol interviewed me for Super Star Saturdays. I give a little peek inside the book and answer a few questions. Hop on over to watch! The image above is a section of the graffiti canvas that I painted for Susan. You can see more of it on page 95 in Doodles Unleashed.
SLK {Susan Lenart Kazmer} and I go way back, she is a dear friend who I admire not only for her phenomenal talent but for her loving spirit. I met susan at Artfest back in 2003 and have taught at the same retreats. We have spent many wonderful times sharing our stories, talking business, laughing, joking and of course our favorite pastime..drinking wine and sometimes shots of Patron..lol. Her artwork is AMAZING, I don't wear much jewelry but when I wear my SLK adornments they are always show stoppers. {check out my ring in the video} She is truly an inspiration! thanks Susan..love ya girl!
COLLECT doodle jumpstart cards..
In my book I talk about creating a doodle jumpstart jar. During the online blog tour there will be a series of doodle cards you can collect. right click the image and "save image as".
Don't forget to check out my interview on the Ice Queen blog!
enjoy the inspiration..xo~treiC
Doodles Unleashed: Mixed Media Techniques for Doodling, Mark-making & Lettering is available on amazon.com or BUY a signed copy with a limited edition collage kit from me here.