my ONE LITTLE WORD for 2013 is...
just found, discovered or learned.
still fresh.
change for the better.
start. a NEW beginning. blossoming.
original ideas.
a blank canvas. so many possibilities. fresh. current.
NEW possibilities. a clean slate. seek out NEW things.
turn over a NEW leaf.
keep moving forward----> opening up NEW doors.
a NEW approach to business
NEW ideas. exploring NEW places. NEW experiences.
create NEW business opportunities. design NEW products.
do NEW things.
look with NEW eyes.
making something old NEW again.
clear. clean. start fresh. awaken to the NEW.
in a NEW light. a brand NEW day
curiosity leads us down NEW paths.
finding NEW things. a different direction. NEW discoveries. learn somthing NEW.
{above graphic from}
creating something NEW each day. cook NEW dishes.
keep a NEW schedule.
learn a NEW skill. observe. practice.
launch my NEW digitals boutique.
NEW delights.
I revealed my journey finding ONE LITTLE WORD for 2013 yesterday.
It's a funny thing, over the past few weeks I wrote lists, drew
pictures and went through my list over and over. I still kept
searching..researching word meanings, seeking out quotes and writing
definitions. I had a huge list of wonderful words, ideas and feelings
but nothing quite clicked. Then I was reading a title of an email that said NEW year. NEW you. {so cliche...right?} Was I over thinking the entire process? At that moment it hit just made sense...that was simple...three little powerful!
I've been feeling a need to clear my business of all the excess and start fresh and FOCUS on the things that are most important to me.
a NEW year...a blank canvas to dive right in and make NEW great things happen.
this simple three letter word will have a profound impact in my life throughout 2013, not just the beginning of January, but the start of each day and every NEW month. I'm looking forward to the NEW discoveries..NEW possibilities...NEW experiences.
what's your ONE LITTLE WORD?