en·joy /enˈjoi/
Take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
Have a pleasant time.
to experience with joy; take pleasure in
* * * *
synonyms relish - delight - like
art journal prompts + ideas:
write about what you ENJOY in life...
collect images of things that DELIGHT you
what do you like to do?
are you doing what you LOVE?
doodle the words...ENJOY. delight. ME
create a collage with the theme ENJOY
add doodles + words to your photos
"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters."
~Audrey Hepburn
In most of the photos I post on my blog, I usually doodle and write on my photos using Photoshop and my Wacom Pen Tablet, like in this post or digitally remix using my iPhone. But recently, I've been having fun playing with the new ABeautifulMess {ABMapp} for iPhone & iPad that launched this week. It's great to quickly add boarders, text and fun pre-drawn doodles to your photos.
photo tutorial----->>Here's a little note on how I created the image above. The artwork was created from my painted graffiti papers, hand dyed paper towels that were collaged & stitched together. I took a photo of finished painting using the Hipstamatic app. Imported the photo into ABMapp and added the arrow borders, flowers and doodles from the ABMapp. Then added the quote using Photoshop to set the type {this can also be done with a variety of apps like Phonto or ABMapp}. Have fun experimenting with adding doodles and words to your photos. Print your photos and add them to your art journal pages.
happy art journaling...have a FABULOUS weekend! xoxo~treiC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>SHARE YOUR WORK>>>>>>>>>>>>
I'd love to see what you are up to in your own art journals, please share links to your photos or blog posts in the comments. what did you journal about this week?
*be inspired by the lovely pool of photos & share your artwork in the artJOURNALING daily flickr group
>>>>>>>>>>>>>SAVE $10 on art journaling e-courses>>>>>>>>>>>>
p.s. for more art journaling techniques, video lessons & ideas take one of my art journaling ecourses----> REDEFINE the doodle:inspirations + mark-making, 31 daily inspirations: art journaling, or INSCRIBED. For a limited time... SAVE $10 on these three e-courses!!