a little peek inside my art journals to inspire your day! Lately, I've been using my art journal to experiment and play with different materials and techniques. Like I've mentioned in previous posts, I don't strive to "finish" a page but to explore and make marks. Most of the pages in this post are created in one of my fave blank journals, an 11''x14" Strathmore 300 series Mixed Media spiral bound. It's great because it has perforated pages that I can tear out and bind into handmade books or use the paper for printmaking. Also, I've been LOVING the new Golden Hight Flow acrylics!! I've been able to squeeze in short periods of time between all my book
deadlines and other projects to work in my journal, so I thought I'd
give you a peek.
art journal tips and inspiration...
- make handmade stamps or hot glue stencils {one of my most popular blog posts} to create unique marks in your journal
- look for interesting found tools in the hardware store like screens and plastic gutter covers to create patterns
- experiment printmaking with Plexiglas
- scribble words into paint with the back of a brush
- create a set of alphabet foam stamps
- take close up photos of your art journal pages while you work at different stages not just the finished page {important: don't use a flash and if possible use natural light}
- experiment with color palettes you normally don't use.
- add black into your color mix
- have a family art journaling night...I LOVE painting with my nieces. kids make marks freely and experiment in ways different than adults. let them guide you in the process..give them the tools to PLAY.
- draw a face in your journal using watercolors and gesso.
- photocopy or scan and print your pages then use them for collage.
- pull apart a silk flower to use the petals as a stencil.
- create symmetrical patterns using cut paper stencils...fold the paper in half then cut out a shape.
enjoy the inspiration...happy art journaling...xoxo~Traci
>>>>>>>>>>>>>SHARE YOUR WORK>>>>>>>>>>>>
I'd love to see what you are up to in your own art journals, please share links to your photos or blog posts in the comments. what did you journal about this week?
*be inspired by the lovely pool of photos & share your artwork in the artJOURNALING daily flickr group
p.s. today is the final day to enter my giveaway to win a FREE spot in Life Book 2014! more details here...
p.s.s. for more art journaling techniques, video lessons & ideas take one of my art journaling e-courses or download a digital art journaling workbook. SAVE $10 on all my art journaling e-courses for a limited time! coupon code: artJOURNAL10off