<<<<<<<<<<<NEW at www.treicdesignsdigitals.com>>>>>>>>>>
Look at all the colorful goodies & art I have created for my shoppe!!
I know many of you were waiting for my online shoppe updates and they are finally here. I've listed a variety of NEW...
brand NEW limited edition FLAIR color bundle art kits!
mixed media GOODIE boxes {above}| These goodie boxes are full of treasures from my studio! You'll receive a MEDIUM size USPS priority mail box FULL of misc. art journaling, mixed media, fabric, embellishments and collage goodies. These go fast...so grab them while they last! ALL boxes contain a different mixture of mixed media supplies and tools...for a limited time with mixed media goodie box purchase..receive a $10 treiC designs digitals e-gift card.
INTRODUCING my brand NEW FLAIR color bundle art kits....these colorful kits are hand picked pieces from collections in my studio. I have spent hours painting colorful canvases, dyeing fabrics and doodling on hand printed papers and want to share them with you! I LOVE to create FLAIR trays to inspire my design projects, so I'm bringing that same concept to you with the FLAIR color bundle kits! The color bundles are great to use in your art journal, mixed media art, add pieces to art quilts or scrapbook pages. Use them as color palette inspiration or hang them on your inspiration wall.
head on over to my treiC designs shoppe to see all the goodies...
thanks for stopping by!! xoxo~Traci