TWELVE {12} days of holiday giveaways ~ DAY 6
Looking for a fun and quick way to create a holiday mini art journal or idea book? I've created a NEW collection of PRINTABLE art journals + digital artist papers. Just print the pages double sided, then fold in half and stitch or staple the center to create a book. Use the artist papers for collage, decorating your DIY planners, December journals, digital projects, handmade cards, tags or giftwrap.
Today I'm giving away a HOLIDAY NOUVEAU printable artist journal to THREE lucky winners.
enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on this blog post
ANSWER this...
what digital products would you like me to design in 2015?
I'll choose one winner..good luck! comments close 12/12/14 at 11:59pm. thanks for stopping by!
NOTE: the winners will be announced the week of 12/15 on my blog.
p.s. my holiday SALE continues..ALL e-courses discounted for the week!
happy holidays..xoxo~Traci