TWELVE {12} days of holiday giveaways ~ DAY 12
Happy HAPPY holidays to you! Thank you again for following along and sharing your comments and enthusiasm, I'm so grateful to share my creative journey with you.
On my final day of giveaways...
I'm giving away THREE seats to my new 2015 online program!!
art.journal.PLAY LIVE 2015
art.journal.PLAY LIVE is ALL new for 2015!! I created this program to encourage and inspire you to PLAY in your art journal or sketchbook.
art.journal.PLAY is a mix of inspiration, creative prompts, LIVE online video demos, Q & A, BONUS google+ hangouts, printable PDF art journaling workbooks, digital kits and online community.
content focus on..
art journaling. surface pattern design. mark-making. digital painting. lettering.
as a member of the art.journal.PLAY community, you'll...
- learn how to build colorful, luscious layers in your artwork
- explore combining digital + traditional mixed media techniques
- learn intermediate tutorials of how to use iPad apps and Photoshop in your artwork
- learn new ways to develop your signature lettering style
- use your art journal or sketchbook as a catalyst for product design
- dive deep into color mixing and develop your personal color palette
- learn how to create patterns from your mixed media artwork
- experiment with new, unconventional book binding techniques
- participate in BONUS google+ hangouts on air and meet other students from around the world!
- join me LIVE as I work in my studio and ask questions in real time
art.journal.PLAY 2015 bundle includes monthly LIVE steaming workshops
MOTIF {patterns + prints + stencils} ~ February workshop #1
digitalCANVAS 2.0 {icons + doodles} ~ March workshop #2
FLOURISH {hand-lettered} ~ April workshop #3
BOUND {journal structures} ~ May workshop #4
additional content you'll receive during the workshops...
+ 25 mixed media lessons {5-7 HD video lessons from live stream workshop replays}
+ if you can't make the live event, HD video replays are provided
+ 8 art journal PDF workbooks + digital kits, delivered twice a month {4 months}
+ BONUS pop-up live stream art journaling sessions
+ BONUS 12 ”best of” mixed media HD video projects
+ BONUS 1 art journal/book construction project delivered in multiple HD videos
+ BONUS content I decide to develop during the program
+ access to private art.journal.PLAY class forum
register by 12/31/14 for early bird discount!
PLUS when you register you receive printable art journal pages and journaling cards.
BONUS: FIRST 15 people to register...
first 15 people to register receive a limited edition art.journal.PLAY kit.
kit includes journaling cards, DIY planner goodies, collage sheets and art journal fodder.
The kits will be shipped out in late January 2015.
my NEW art.journal.PLAY community + website launches February 1, 2015!

HOLIDAY shoppe special...
Give the gift of creativity to your artsy loved ones, send an electronic treiCdesigns holiday gift card for my shoppe. ALL orders over $100 from 12/8/14 through 12/14/14, will receive a $10 treiCdesigns gift card.
{PLEASE NOTE: $10 treiCdesigns gift card will be delivered electronically 1/5/15 to customers who spend equal to or over $100 in one order. Offer ends 12/14/14 at 11:59pm}

Three chances to win...
#1 Enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on this blog post
ANSWER this...
what are your favorite art journaling techniques?
#2 ~ Follow me on Instagram @treicdesigns, like and comment on the photo for this giveaway.
#3 ~ Leave a comment on my Facebook post about this giveaway
I'll choose one winner..good luck! comments close 12/15/14 at 11:59pm. thanks for stopping by!
NOTE: The winners will be announced the week of 12/15 on my blog.
p.s. my holiday SALE continues...ALL e-courses discount ends 12/14/14!
happy holidays..xo~Traci